Global Rules
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2022 5:12 pm
It is your responsibility to visit the rules of this group for changes and additions.
Inappropriate, Name Calling, Hate & Belittling
Inappropriate, name calling, hate & belittling posts, replies, comments or threads are not tolerated here in the group. This includes, but not limited to sexually orientated material & wording.
Trolling & Making A Mockery Of Members Or Posts.
By definition, is the deliberate act of making random unsolicited and/or controversial comments with intent to provoke an unwarranted, unsolicited and despiteful reaction from unsuspecting readers.
Live Links, Game Plays, Videos Content.
Absolutely no live links or videos of game plays. You may post a link to your video (Or video itself) pertaining to only the intended subject of this community (Building, showing off or tutorial etc.)
Adverts, Selling, Self Promotion, Spam, Trades etc (Updated 06/02/2022)
This group does not deal with advertising, sales/selling/buying (Including that of parts, builds, service, solicitation, etc.), asking for pricing/worth, spamming, donations, self-promotion, offers, trades or asking how much they can get for anything.
Asking for info pertaining to builds within a budget is acceptable.
No Open Polls.
Close your poll options. If not, your allowing others to make unsolicited, inappropriate and trolling comments, then we have to clean up the mess you help create, then take action on you too and no one wants that...
The Specifics Of This Group Intent.
We ask that the content that you post be in relation to the specifics of this groups intent.
Contacting The Staff On Mutes, Bans Or Deletions (Updated 06/02/2022)
JUST A REMINDER!!! Insta-Ban for contacting staff (One or all) of why you were muted or your post was removed for violating our rules or Facebook's Community Standards. We don't have time to tell you what you already know if you read the rules.
Inappropriate, Name Calling, Hate & Belittling
Inappropriate, name calling, hate & belittling posts, replies, comments or threads are not tolerated here in the group. This includes, but not limited to sexually orientated material & wording.
Trolling & Making A Mockery Of Members Or Posts.
By definition, is the deliberate act of making random unsolicited and/or controversial comments with intent to provoke an unwarranted, unsolicited and despiteful reaction from unsuspecting readers.
Live Links, Game Plays, Videos Content.
Absolutely no live links or videos of game plays. You may post a link to your video (Or video itself) pertaining to only the intended subject of this community (Building, showing off or tutorial etc.)
Adverts, Selling, Self Promotion, Spam, Trades etc (Updated 06/02/2022)
This group does not deal with advertising, sales/selling/buying (Including that of parts, builds, service, solicitation, etc.), asking for pricing/worth, spamming, donations, self-promotion, offers, trades or asking how much they can get for anything.
Asking for info pertaining to builds within a budget is acceptable.
No Open Polls.
Close your poll options. If not, your allowing others to make unsolicited, inappropriate and trolling comments, then we have to clean up the mess you help create, then take action on you too and no one wants that...
The Specifics Of This Group Intent.
We ask that the content that you post be in relation to the specifics of this groups intent.
Contacting The Staff On Mutes, Bans Or Deletions (Updated 06/02/2022)
JUST A REMINDER!!! Insta-Ban for contacting staff (One or all) of why you were muted or your post was removed for violating our rules or Facebook's Community Standards. We don't have time to tell you what you already know if you read the rules.